Mrs. Kay's 3rd Grade
                                        Cedar Grove office number- 615-904-3777



                  **Please use Dojo for all information                        throughout the year!

Welcome! Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office -615-904-3777

If we ever have assignments online you will access these by going to Clever to access the assignments in Schoology or a packet will be given to you.

Contact me to obtain online textbook information for this class. You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.



Our class schedule will be: 
7:15 -7:30 Morning Work
7:30-8:40 ELA
8:40-9:10 HOWL
9:10-9:40  MIT
9:40-10:30 ELA 
10:30-11:00 Science/Social Studies
11:05-11:55  Related Arts
11:55-12:25  Lunch
12:35-2:00  Math
2:00-2:20  Recess
2:25  Dismissal






        Mrs. Kay's Office Hours: During School you can Dojo me,

       but I may not be able to contact you until

       after school between 2:50pm-3:30pm, or after my meetings.


       Most students do not usually change transportation but, transportation changes

      must be written out in a note and signed. This must be sent to the teacher

      first thing in the morning with the student.