Holly Harwood » Holly Harwood ITC Digital Portfolio

Holly Harwood ITC Digital Portfolio

There are 8 components to this portfolio based on the ISTE Coaching Standards.

  1.      Visionary Leadership
  2.      Integration
  3.      Digital Age Learning Environment -Blended Learning Environment
  4.      Digital Citizenship
  5.      Professional Development – Training Experience
  6.      Coaching
  7.      Life Long Learner
  8.      Reflect on Your Practice as an Educator
Portfolio Element #1  Visionary Leadership 

My Vision for the use of instructional technology to support student learning 

Students, parents, and educators will use communication and information technologies to enhance and expand the traditional role of education in the community. I believe the basic goal of education has not changed, that is to prepare our students for life-long learning and success in a Technology rich society. However, the tools and instructional methods to achieve these goals have advanced dramatically. Technologies such as computers, networks, and wide area communications offer tremendous opportunities to students and educators to improve life within our community and a link to a world outside of Cedar GroveCedar Grove has the responsibility for developing curriculum and applying instructional methods enriched with technology and in ensuring that our students and teachers are proficient users of these new technologies. This technology integration will outline my strategies for turning this vision into reality. 


I envision that technology is available and effectively supported for all students and staff: 

  • To provide global access to information in a SAFE, efficient and effective environment  
  • To meet the curricular needs of all learners  
  • To provide access to the general curriculum  
  • To refine critical thinking skills and foster creativity  
  • To provide a medium for expression and communication  
  • To collect, assess, and share performance information  
  • To improve the effectiveness of administrative tasks  
  • To provide skills and proficiency necessary for the workforce like problem solving, teamwork and digital collaboration with peers and teachers  


It is my intention that this vision will remain constant and that it will guide the day-to-day and year-to-year implementation of technology at Cedar Grove Elementary School.  



  1. What actions will you take this year to make your vision a reality at your assigned school? 
  2. How will you support the vertical alignment of student learning within your respective building(s) with technology?
  3. How will you support teachers in your building in getting students from where they are to where they need to be for the next grade level or school? 


I plan to provide global access to information in a SAFE environment by Digital citizenship discussed and explored for all learners through Guidance and Tech Coach Collaboration in all grades: K: Super Digital Citizens, 1st grade: The Power of Words, 2nd grade: Private and Personal Information, 3rd Grade: Talk Safely Online, 4th grade: Privacy Rules, 5th Grade: What’s Cyber-bullyingTo make the access more effective and efficient we have worked together with R.T.I coaches and admin to purchase 6 more mobile labs for the two to one initiative in 4th and 5th grades. This will allow for access and quick log-ins, and set up procedures for the use of CLEVER Badges for i Ready in all grades 


  •  I plan to meet the curricular needs of all learners with the Self Help Learning series of videos for programs and tech help for teachers and staff, Playposit-SMART Notebook Software PD, Windows 10, I'm in Learning Series in EdlioCollaborating with 3rd- 5th grade level teams to implement and help EA’s with Lab time curriculum and schedules for programs and content, attending 3rd and 5th grade weekly PLC meetings to ensure content in the lab are on target with the pacing guide, Mentor and co-teach lessons in all grades based on skills and standards with digital appeal for both teachers and students.  


  • I plan to create access to the general curriculum by helping teachers set up and access Thrivistcompile and update the Student Resources page in Edlio with important links for student engagement to curriculum resourcessupporting the Implementation of CGE specific programs such as Brain pop Classroom, NORedInk, and Common Lit 


  • I plan to refine critical thinking skills and foster creativity by providing resources such as iMovie, and garage band to the Music Department, Whiteboard apps for all iPadscollaborating research SWAY projects in 2nd gradePowerPoint science projects in K and 5th grades, and using Class Dojo and iPads for student portfolio and journaling.   


  • I plan to provide a medium for expression and communication by offering resources for Office 365 in Tech tips in a minuteexploring Class Notebooks and TEAMS for 5th grade, Nearpod lessons in the Media Center, helping set up and implement OneDrive Groups for PLC sharing and resources, and implementing School Wide Class Dojo 2018-2019. 


  • I plan to collect, assess, and share performance information using iReady Data reports, PLC group OneDrive accounts, Excel sheets for student usernames and passwords, Forms for CFA’s, iNOW gradebooks, and using SMART Learning SUITE software  


  • I plan to improve the effectiveness of administrative tasks using Forms for surveys and collecting informationBrainPOP Classroom for collecting content and assignmentsand providing Office 365 tools, tips and tricks. 


  •  I plan tenhance skills and proficiency necessary for the workforce like problem solving, teamwork and digital collaboration with peers and teachers by teaching students in 3rd grade how to digitally turn in assignments using Office 365 tools, offering Jr. Botball for 4th and 5th Graders, STEM and STEAM activity ideas, SMART learning Suite for all staff, and assisting with Interactive projectors in all CLASSROOMS 


    1. How will you be accountable for your work towards this vision? 


    I will be accountable through my daily work with students and teachers that I document in my school calendar as well as, looking at data and analyzing that data to constantly be adjusting the needs of my staff and students. I will also be collecting data in the fall, winter and spring needs assessment form that I will send out to the staff. This will allow for me to adjust and pinpoint what individual and team goals are for the upcoming few months. This will allow for me to create PD, co- teach, model and collaborate to meet the needs of my students and staff.

  1. As an instructional technology coach, how would you want teachers to describe the work you do? 

 I would be honored if the teachers and staff described my work as the following:  

 The presence of our instructional technology coach sharpens the school's focus on how technology can best make the learning more engaging and relevant for students and gives us support in navigating the vast field of technology applications and devices.  Our instructional coach not only provides us (teachers) with the resources, support, and know-how on working with technology, but also the students! As well as,  ensures the smart use of technology to deepen the teaching and learning for all involved. 


  1. As an instructional technology coach, how would you want your administrator to describe the work you do? 

 I would hope that my Administration would describe my work as this:  

Our instructional technology coach role has developed their capacity to collaborate, increase student engagement, and was essential to our school's continued growth.  Her collaboration, and presence has created school-wide momentum thinking about using technology to effectively change or enhance instruction, so that we as a team are more effective and efficient in our instructional practices. She is here to help teachers to improve practice, whether it's using technology, trying different strategies, exploring new classroom or instructional approaches or finding resources to support them in their day-to-day teaching. She also acts as a conduit of best practices, working with teachers across the school, and sharing what's worked, what can be adapted, and how to do it.  



Portfolio Element #4  Digital Citizenship
DUE: September 14th 
  • I plan to provide global access to information in a SAFE environment by Digital citizenship discussed and explored for all learners through Guidance and Tech Coach Collaboration in all grades: K: Super Digital Citizens, 1st grade: The Power of Words, 2nd grade: Private and Personal Information, 3rd Grade: Talk Safely Online, 4th grade: Privacy Rules, 5th Grade: What’s Cyber-bullying.
FOR ADMIN: Admin Focus Drives the Digital Citizenship for ALL: 

All stakeholders must have a clear understanding of both the “why” and the “how” of fully integrated digital citizenship. Start with school leadership. Administrators should agree:

  1. Why is digital citizenship a necessary element in 21st century education, and why is a fully-integrated approach best?
  2. How does digital citizenship fit into your school’s vision, mission, and/or values statements?
  3. How will each stakeholder—teachers, administrators, and parents—contribute to meeting the goal of full integration?

Once these questions have been answered in the month of September, it is time to communicate clear goals and plans to everyone.


  •  For Teachers, use emails or newsletters and department/team or faculty meeting agendas and PD's. Thorough Digital Citizenship about passwords, privacy and digital rights will be discussed as well as digital etiquette to make sure every teacher is prepared, aware and has a winning attitude about Digital citizenship. 
  • For Parents, start talking about digital citizenship education at PTO or parent council meetings, webinars, email or paper newsletters, and announcements at events that pull in large crowds.
  • Image result for parent technology resourcesclick here to go to the CGE Parent Technology page
  • Technology Resource page created for our parents: Young people are immersed in technology in ways previous generations could not have imagined. Common Sense Media has compiled this list of resources for parents seeking advice and information about how to help their children explore smartly and stay safe.
Parent Technology Parent Workshop: Technology Focus will be offered in the spring in correlation with RTI coaches and ESL. We will team up to provide technology resources for parents. APPropriate apps, social media, and technology safety will be discussed. 
  •  For students: They will hear (from teachers and adults in the building) that they will now be both supported and held accountable for their behavior when using technology. At school and at home, the adults who care about them will be ready to help when they are overwhelmed, and will set limits when they are struggling to find balance.
  • Digital Citizenship will be provided by SRO, Guidance and Tech Coach Collaboration for each Grade Level- The Focus of study will be as follows-
  • K: Super Digital Citizens
  • 1st grade: The Power of Words
  • 2nd grade: Private and Personal Information
  • 3rd Grade: Talk Safely Online
  • 4th grade: Privacy Rules
  • 5th Grade: What’s Cyber-bullying
Portfolio Element #2: Integration 
Due: October 30th 



Instructional Planning Guide for a Blended Learning Unit in Kindergarten  

Step 1 

Identify Desired Academic Outcome(s) 

  1. What skill or skills do I want to cultivate in students? 


  1. What priority standards will be addressed in this lesson? 



Step 2 

Select a Goal-Aligned Instructional Strategy That Works 

  1. What high effect size instructional strategy or strategies will I leverage to meet the academic outcomes above? 

Strong Relationships, and Teacher Clarity 

  1. What will my students be doing in this lesson? (e.g. concept mapping .64) 

 Students will be looking at animal babies and moms-  matching what babies and moms go together-  

Step 3 

Choose Digital Tool(s) 

  1. What digital tool or tools can I use to elevate the chosen high effect size strategy? 

E books, SMART Notebook, Nearpod, I pad apps 

  1. How will these tools make me more efficient and effective? 

Students will be able to access content faster, with QR codes, students will be able to interact with the content, Teacher will be organized and have multiple types of resources ready to go 

  1. How will the tools elevate or increase the rigor or relevance of student learning? 

The resources have wonderful visuals, self-correcting materials, and differentiation built in 

  1. Will these tools allow me to double down on instructional strategies where I am my most skillful or will they be a distraction to me, or my students? 

Using these resources will allow for a teacher to create station rotation model and more than double their content and practice.  

Step 4 

Plan Blended Instruction 

  1. How will I plan this lesson strategically with rigorous and relevant academic outcomes in mind? 

Choosing quality products, such as SWAY, SMART Notebook, Nearpod and PowerPoint to create visuals with audio and built in assessment tools will allow for the teacher analyze data and allow the students to get feedback on vital misconceptions. 

  1. What will I be doing and what will the students be doing throughout the class? 

 Students will be in whole groups and then move into small group rotations. These rotations will contain digital content, practice, and hands on engineering practices.  

Step 5 

Self-Assess Your Plans and Progress with a Framework 

Rigor/Relevance Framework® and SAMR: 

  1. Are learning tasks moving students out of Quad A (low rigor/high relevance – Substitution) and toward Quad D (high rigor/high relevance – Adaptation)? YES 
  2. Rigor: Do Questions or learning tasks require that students use the higher level of cognition in Bloom’s Knowledge Taxonomy? Are students evaluating, synthesizing, analyzing, and/or creating content? ALL  
  3. Relevance: Will students be able to apply newly acquired knowledge across disciplines and/or to real-world predictable or unpredictable situations? Will students grasp that their learning is relevant to circumstances beyond the class content at hand?  




Blended Learning Lesson Plan 

Subject: ELA                          Grade: Kindergarten                                                            Unit: FARM  

Lesson Overview 

What is the purpose of the lesson? 

Students can say:  

I can match momma animal to its baby.  


Standards and Objectives Addressed (Common Core, NC Standards, IB Objectives): 


 See above 



Farm bandit Fill out sheet Farm Bandit Interactive PowerPoint  

SMART Notebook Software and Animals Beginning Sound Lesson 

Farm Babies E-Book 

Nearpod Farm Animal Sounds  

What Goes Together (Farm edition) I-pad self-correcting activity  

Barn and Farm Animals plastic toys with play mat and Story Form  

SWAY Farm Resources Links ad Read a louds  



As a result of this lesson/unit students will… 

Understand (big ideas, principles, generalizations, rules, the ‘point’ of the discipline or topic within the discipline): 

Animal Babies look like their parents. 

Respond to text clues  

Products can come from farm animals  

*Children will become familiar with farm animals. 

(The children will name farm animals, describe the animal by its sound, tell about its body covering, number of legs, and what each animal gives us.) 


Know (facts, vocabulary, how-tos, memorized information):  

Basic Animals on the Farm  

Animal babies look like their moms 

Do / Skills (thinking skills, skills of the discipline, skills you will assess): 

Finding Beginning Sounds  

Listening to Text and Finding Clues 

Practice items that go together- moms and babies 

 Problem solve how to build and create a way to get animal  and baby together 


What will I differentiate?      Content       X Process       Product 


How will I differentiate?    Readiness    Interest    Learning Profile    X Combination 


Engage  / Introduce 


Whole Group Opening (Agenda, Celebrations, Hook): 


Hide and Seek Bag with Farm animals in the Bag: Clues with what is in my bag- can you guess?  

 It have four legs, lives in a barn, makes milk. 



What do students need to know? 


Time Required: 

A Week long Learning Unit  

Instructional Grouping (Whole group, small group, pairs, quads, homogeneous, heterogeneous): 

Whole Group SMART Lesson, Pairing up for Pair and Share, Small Groups for station Rotations with Heterogeneous grouping  


Essential Question(s) to Ignite Deeper Thinking: 

What animals would we find on a farm? 

 What sounds do farm animals make? 

 How do farm animals feel to the touch? 

 What does each farm animal give us? 

  Why are farm animals important to us? 



Daily Learning Target(s): I can 

tell the sound each one animal makes 

make the 1st sound in a word 

write about animals on the farm 

tell mom and babies that match 




Explore / Investigate / Create 

How will they learn it? 

Activities and Tasks / Learning Experiences to Engage Students 

Whole Group: Interactive Power Point  

Farm Bandit Lesson using Text Clues to find the Farm animal that is taking the milk.  

Students will use a sheet where they will color in the animal that they guess on each slide.  




20 min.  





Small Group Differentiated Instruction (Teacher led) 

What Goes Together Ipad activity 



Resources Needed 

  1. iPad  
  2. iPad learning game Self Correcting  
  3. Beginning Sound Cards 
  4. Farm Cards with animal picture and babies  

Poem: “The Giving Farm” - What things do we get from the farm?  Explain the extreme importance of the farm animals, the farm, and the farmer. 


The Giving Farm     (http://kinderkorner.com/farm.html) 

by Vicki Witcher 


Hens give eggs. 

Pigs give ham. 

Cows give milk. 

Strawberries give jam. 

Bees give honey. 

Goats give cheese. 

Farms give food, 

I’d like some, please. 


Add on:  


Hens have chicks.  

Pigs have piglets.  

Cows have calves.  

What do goats have? 

Pic of human mom: what does she have?  

Class Dojo- Portfolios: Repeat and add to our poem.



20 min 




Collaborative / Individual Work (Project / Assignment) 




Resources Needed 


Farm Play Set with plastic animals, blocks, and fences 

With Story Starter page and crayons  

Finish Sentence starts:  

I see a _________.  

Putting animals together in the same pens and farm imaginary play.  

Building Bridges to unite moms and babies (engineering)  


20 min  





Independent Technology Work (Digital Content) 




Resources Needed 

SWAY link with QR codes for i- Pads - Songs- read aloud  

Farm Babies E book  

Grouping (Random, Previous Assessment Data, Lexile, etc): 

Students will be grouped by diverse learning styles and levels.  







How will you know they have learned it? 

Formative Post Assessment (Reflection, Exit Ticket, Quiz, etc):  


Nearpod Animal Sounds Assessment  






Reflect / Evaluate 

What will we do if they did not learn it? What will we do if they already know it? 

Whole Group Closing (Quote, Video Clip, Discuss Next Lesson, etc): 



Baby Animals and their Moms Video  


Allow the resources to be available for a re-teach in small groups after the Learning Unit has closed-  


If they already know it we will enrich the learning activities to meet the scaffolding standard: 1-LS1-1. Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.* 

Animal Adaptations 







Portfolio Element 5: Professional Development training Experience 
Due: November 30th 
1. Video of Nearpod at the  Blended Learning Academy Training
November 17th, 2018 
Click here to access SWIVL video 48 min. with session notes added. 
2. Agenda: 
3. Presentation: 
Click to see Edlio Nearpod training presentation and Resource page created by Holly Harwood 
Reflection Questions: 
1. Describe the professional development: 
I was asked to help present at the Blended Learning Academy: day 2 training. I was asked to help train upper elementary, middle and High school teachers who want to implement a blended learning environment. My focus was to show how to create and edit a Nearpod Lesson- the goal that each teacher had a lesson to implement.  This was a 45 min. session. Here is the session descriptor: 
2. What strategies did you use to differentiate between advanced and novice learners?
  • I gave easy to find click links for students who needed it.
  • I walked around giving tips and tricks to those that needed it.
  • I made sure I checked on the students often during the sessions.
  • I paired up students to help each other be accountable. 
3. How did you evaluate your success?
The students were engaged and actively asking questions throughout the training, they were eager to edit and create- after the session they thanked me and stayed around to talk about other options with Nearpod. 
Portfolio Element 6: Coaching 
Describe a coaching experience:
I received an email from a teacher explaining that they would like to maybe use SWAY or PowerPoint for a project. Here is that email: 
This teacher completed a SWAY after school PD with me last year and did a great job creating a lesson or two using SWAY- so she was familiar with the program. I kept my email short so I could get more information from her- but jotted down a few questions to ask at our next meeting. Here is the notes I took after the initial email.  
We decided to meet together quickly to discuss ideas and get a feel for the WHY, HOW, WHO and WHEN! We spoke about using the SWAY template and posting it to the Edlio web page- then students could duplicate and work through the project from their waffle and then share with the teacher using a TEACHER SWAY with a card for each student to paste their link. She really liked the idea but wanted me to speak with the group about the idea. 
During a recent PLC team meeting in 4th grade, the team discussed the idea of creating a research outline that students could use to complete a research project on salt. During the initial topic- I listened to what the team needed: 
1. a template or outline for the information that the student need to research
2. the students to complete the project individually and self paced
3. to be able to share with the teacher, which in turn would get shared with the class as a presentation
4. to be done during small groups, lab, at home time 
5. needed a rubric to be graded by 
As I listened to the the team I asked questions along the way: 
What is the time frame that you would like the project to be completed? How often will the students be able to work on this? Do you want direct instruction on how to complete this project or a Video HOW TO for the students to watch and learn? 
What is the EXACT skill or standard that we are wanting to master? What tools are the students currently using in Microsoft- what devices can we use that they are most familiar with? Does the whole grade level want to complete or just certain classrooms?  We came together with a plan- that everyone felt comfortable with- 
Kentfield would create the template that the team wanted the students to use. I would assist with putting the template link on the student resource page. 
The teachers wanted the students to be able to access and do this project independently. I offered to create a video HOW to for the students to follow that would be posted with the project- that way the teachers and the students had no questions about how to complete and they were BOTH learning the process!!! 
Each teacher needed to create their TEACHER SWAY with a numbered card for each of their students. They would send me the link and I would post it on the student resource page for the students to access and paste their links. 
So - we each had a task that we are to complete.  We are collaborating and creating- learning together. 
I have been following up with emails and stopping in to check on the process. 
As the project begins I will stop in and check on students making sure they are able to follow the HOW to Video - are they stuck or are they able to complete. 
As we start going through the process we will be evaluating the steps- is it working- was this project easily obtainable- could most of the students complete? Were the teachers easily able to complete their tasks. Could the students give their links- How do the teachers think the project went? Was it worth it? Did the students learn a lot? What did they learn? 
All of these follow up questions and evaluation leads to the planing of another project similar to this one and it gets easier the next time! 
 This is a real life coaching experience described using the portfolio guide. 
Portfolio Element 3 Digital Age Learning Environment 
Due: March 22nd
The Ideal Blended Learning Elementary Environment
I believe that the ideal blended learning environment encourages and combines (OLD SCHOOL) classroom learning with (BOLD SCHOOL) online learning, in which students can, in part, control the time, pace, and place of their learning.  A teacher-designed blended learning model, in which teachers determine the combination that's right for them and their students.

Blended learning combines the best of face-to-face (teacher-student(s), student- student) and online instruction in ways that can customize the learning experience for each individual, while making content more  effective/efficient and accessible.

This blended learning  environment can look very different from one classroom to the next. But when this model of blended learning is done well, it typically involves some form of student choice and digital content platforms. In elementary I feel like station rotation is a very easy popular choice because the environment is set up to allow for such learning already!  Some, though like the flipped learning  

The Ideal blended learning environment in elementary school classrooms would have the following characteristics:

  • The teacher has an engaged role and is using the technology to encourage student voice and self confidence in their learning.
  • There is a strong classroom culture and management system in place that is widely practiced. Students know the routine and leaders are in place to help with peer questions, there is a plan and the students are  actively involved in that plan!
  • There are clear set goals and objectives to every learning experience. The teacher is intentional with the learning activities and digital content chosen.  
  • There is a high level of flexibility, and a community mindset for growth and helping each other. 
Instructional Coaching Strategies to Support a Blended Learning Teacher
1. My guide to help a teacher though the process of implementing blended learning: 
First, I try and find the teachers that have strong classroom culture and a little on the techie side- not afraid to use a few tools to make their lessons more effective or efficient- then I personally invite them to apply for the Blended Learning Academy. I answer all their questions about blended learning and why I think they would be great for the experience. So- I brag them up on what I've seen them do and build there self confidence!
Once a teacher is accepted: 

I support my blended learning instructors by attending the Blended Learning Academy with them. We learn and plan together so they don't feel alone. This way when I am with them I can instantly see what tools they are having a connection with- what ideas they are really investing in - I can take notes on those things and we can have a conversation about how those ideas will work in their classroom. 

We meet and come up with a plan- some instructors really know how they want to implement- for example:  "I want to make videos so I can be in two places at once!"  Then we talk and explore different ways to make the video content, and we try out a few ways depending on what the instructor is finding easy to use. I support them- we work out the bugs and then talk about how best to roll out to the students. 


2. Using Effective Classroom Management Strategies

Together we choose a platform that works, we look at some of the things that could possibly go wrong and some troubleshooting that may need to be done- we schedule when to roll out and I plan to be there to help. 

Once we roll out to the students- we re-evaluate- what is working - what is not working for that teacher- I give advise on how to better the experience and we make the adjustments. 

Once one tool or idea is in place and working well we will not try another tool or idea with the students. Once everyone is proficient, then we look at more we can incorporate. This can be the most difficult part- just on tool at a time! 


3. Communicate and Collaborate Locally and Globally 

I encourage my teachers to attend the round table sessions- to make connections with other teachers here in the county that are blended learning classrooms.  We use the #rcsblends to link to others in the county to show off  and to see others blended learning strategies. I encourage using TWITTER to see global blended learning ideas and resources. I have offered PD using LIVE webinars with educational professionals that promote blended learning programs like Prodigy- i Ready- and Ed web webinars. 


4. Evaluate Digital Tools that Best Meet the Instructional Needs of Students

We often look at tools and decide if that tool will fit the needs for their students and their classroom needs. We talk about if the tool is rigorous enough and if it has relevant content. 

See the Tools for Formative Assessment : Self Guided Tour of 6 Formative Assessment Tools


Portfolio Element 7: Life Long Learner
Due: April 19th
Professional Development List: 
  • i Pad Apple Training August PD Center 
  • WebEd Science and Technology Webinar CE: 1 hr. 
  • Edlio Forms and Payments Webinar 1 hr.
  • iReady Get to Know your iReady Reports Webinar 1 hr.
  •  Attended Blended Learning Academy in 10/27, 11/17 
  • Bold School Book Study 
  • Building and Developing Assessment- Capable Learners by John Hattie Webinar 1 hr. 
Coaching Cycle/ Fish Bowl Experience with Erika Tate
Evidence of Collaboration with Ms. Shelby Baeten Kindergarten Teacher, CGE
Coaching Cycle Documentation 
*******see the K FlipGrid Videos created with their subtraction page. 
The fishbowl experience was a great learning opportunity and I am so glad I had the opportunity to step into a leadership role- I took one for the team! 
I really enjoyed the challenge and felt like a really made a difference and could share my expertise!  I finally feel like I did my job! 
I LOVED working though the coaching cycle and seeing the benefits of that time and effort with the teacher and the students. It made me  more confident in my ABILITIES as as coach as well!  
My goal for next year-  Pick a teacher in each grade level to do a coaching cycle with- 1 teacher can spark a whole grade level to get on the bus! 
Portfolio Element 8: Reflect 
Due May 9th 
ISTE Coaching Standards
 As a technology coach my job is to bridge the gap from where we are to where to where we need to be using technology. After careful review of the ISTE Standards for Coaches, I have chose 4 standards that I feel I have best addressed this school year.
Below you will see the 4 areas that I best supported my peers in becoming digital age educators. 
Visionary Leadership and Integration Practices 
Last year I was asked to work with the RTI coaches, Admin and David F. to look at where our Title money should be spent. Spring planning helped us to streamline where to focus our purchasing power and what should be spent.  After that meeting and looking at the results of all stakeholders- we purchased 7 New Dell Laptop Carts!
After the big fall fundraiser is was left up to me how to spend the 25,000 earmarked for new technology in the building. I proposed a plan for the money. We chose 1 Dell cart of 30 laptops, 1 charging cart and 2- I Pad charging carts with buckets,and 55 i pads with cases to fill the carts. This allowed for Cedar Grove to have three Dell laptop carts each in 3-5 grades. 
Rolling out all the Technology
We received all carts and devices at the same time. RTI coaches had to process the devices and we labeled and scanned every device. I wired all carts, numbering all the cords on the carts. We assigned carts to certain rooms throughout the teams and made sure procedures were put in place for checkout, and returning devices. 
Giving up Control
This also allowed us to re-think our parking lot of carts that was created for check out only. After looking at the the success the upper grades were having I decided to rethink the way we were using our iPad and Yoga carts. When teachers have access and a sense of ownership they plan and use the technology more often. SO I devised a plan to "Give" carts to each grade level. They would be in charge of those carts owning the right to use and not have to sign up or ASK anyone to use. I cut out the middle man and made it their own. I then met with all the teams to talk about how they would be sharing the devices... I told them they could do it any way they wanted- BUT that it would be better to assign devices to classrooms. Then every class and student had the opportunity everyday to use and have technology. They really loved this new way- now everyone had devices and were able to incorporate daily in station rotations in the lower grades. 
Giving up control was the best thing I did for giving the teachers the freedom to plan and use the technology that we have. 
Looking Ahead: A Blended Learning Plan
The teachers have had time to have ownership of the devices- and  have been mainly used for iReady- Raz Kids- an arcade if you will.... But that allowed them to get confident in using the devices and getting used to managing them and the students. NEXT year we will work to move them to the next level- BLENDING the old with the NEW! 
I will offer a BOLD SCHOOL book study/coaching cycle to my 3- 5th grade Blended learning classrooms, and at least 1 techie team member in each grade level.We will meet as a group once a week for 6 weeks- planning and collaborating blended learning lessons using the blended learning framework and rigor vs. relevance framework along the way. 
 Then this tech team will spread the LOVE of Blended Learning to their grade level teams. 
These members will be asked to present a BOLD school teaching strategy to the staff at each faculty meeting next year. Giving a Timberwolf Challenge each month to the staff to use one of the OLD strategies and making it BOLD in their classrooms!!! 
Each Bold School member will be asked to video a strategy being used in the classroom with the SWIVL. This way the staff can see Blended Learning in action. 
To encourage a more blended learning school culture I will meet with grade level teams and take a lesson, unit or subject and look at adding in a more BOLD school approach- such as TEAMS in 3-5 grades, Using Class Dojo/SeeSaw portfolios and Flipgrid in k-2 classrooms. 
We will focus on those programs and get REALLY good at them as a staff and student body. To help us focus I will offer extensive PD, self help videos, and working with the RTI coaches to make sure that at least 85% of the staff and student body know and use the programs at least 3 times a week.  
Digital age Learning Environments 
   This year David and I worked together creating and list of emails and plans as to why we needed our updated access points in the building. We luckily were granted that upgrade early!!! Every classroom at CGE had new access points installed this year. This allowed us to operate 2 to 1 devices in 3-5 grades, Interactive Projectors with SMART learning Suite software, i pads, and several teacher laptops. David and I starting last year advocated for the infrastructure to be updated to help support the growing needs here at Cedar Grove. 
   Transforming devices into a test taking powerhouse- 2nd grade CogAt testing was possible due to the app that I installed and tested on all ipads in the building. This allowed students to test in their classrooms and in a more relaxed atmosphere. Planning had to be done- we didn't have our access points yet- so we needed to schedule what class and how many devices were pulling on the old access points.  It was a lot of work but worth it for the students. 
In our two lab spaces I helped all grade levels to come up with a curriculum plan that included more than i Ready. Students were given options such as Nearpod, Kahoot!, NoRed Ink, Quizizz, and Office365 options. Working with the lab instructors so they knew the programs and facilitated those programs for the students kept behaviors at bay and engaged the students more. 
   To promote community and communication- I advocated for CGE to become a ClassDojo school! It was a lot of training with the staff- and parents to get everyone on board! It has been amazing this year! The translations and communications have been very open from all the staff to the homes of our students. 
  I created a Self Help Series of videos for staff members to be able to help themselves to tech questions and build confidence with different programs that we use. 
   Blended learning classrooms- getting more on board - We have two trained Blended learning classrooms in 5th grade that I supported through the year. Another classroom will be converted at the next training- and they are spreading the love to other classrooms! 
  Library RE-Do - David and I worked together with the help of the Librarian to come up with a solution to our not so great set up in the library for presentations. We wanted a better solution to the two screens and two projectors- the speakers were not great and whoever needed to use it had to switch between the two- it was a nightmare! 
So we came up with 4 speakers on the pole- two computers- 1 for each screen! We installed a Microsoft adpater, and Apple TV- great mirroring now!!! It has been a huge improvement! 
Digital Citizenship
This year I took a different approach to Digital Citizenship- I recruited the teachers to help! I created a web page for resources and activities to do in the classroom. We made November the month for Digital Citizenship! I promoted it with all the staff. We made a plan-
  • I plan to provide global access to information in a SAFE environment by Digital citizenship discussed and explored for all learners through Guidance and Tech Coach Collaboration in all grades: K: Super Digital Citizens, 1st grade: The Power of Words, 2nd grade: Private and Personal Information, 3rd Grade: Talk Safely Online, 4th grade: Privacy Rules, 5th Grade: What’s Cyber-bullying.
Teachers were to fill out the FORM to document what class had what lesson. That piece was not followed up with as well as I would've liked- but we at least had a good turn out. 
I teamed up with the guidance counselors to hit the 4th and 5th grades with diligence. 
We still have some work to do- but we did a much better job this year than we've ever done. 
I presented to a PD to the parents and showed them Common Sense Media Resources- and the parents were very grateful! 
I also offered the Digital Citizenship online course for the staff- 6 members completed the course. 
Teaching, Learning and Assessments
I participated in the Coaching cycle Fishbowl experience with Erika Tate. It was such a great experience working with Ms. Baeten. Getting to go through the coaching cycle with guidance and feedback was very beneficial. I can't wait to start at the beginning of the year with other teachers.
There are many times through out the day that I am a coach and instructional leader in the building. I go to classrooms on the daily to help troubleshoot programs and hardware- then model and allow the teacher to step back into the lead. I help in PLC's and planning with all the grade level teams to select programs and tools that will allow students to be engaged and master the skills that they need. 
My main focus this year: 
Coaching cycle, lab, 5th grade HOWL and MIT
3rd grade HOWL and MIT 
The ISTE Coaching Standards have a cyclical feel and you can see the overlay when mapping out the standards that I've addressed- 
Helping with ipad apps- working with Matt Brown to convert all iPads to InTune, installing apps that are useful and relevant to classrooms- modeling lessons, coaching students and teachers everyday with solid good instructional practices that are DAP... 
It is hard to write down everything that would fall into this category- but where I think I shine the most. I listen and support and build up my staff on the daily!